The Use of Ceramic Toilet Seat Has Been Banned in the State of Georgia

Toilets are one of the essential necessities in today’s modern life. The many advantages of this equipment have made it very useful and practical for people who have problems in the back, spine, or knees, the elderly, or pregnant women.

Using different types of ceramic toilet seat instead of Iranian toilets causes less damage to different parts of the body and preserves public health.

The variety in the design and accessories of the toilet has caused people to get confused about choosing the right type.

Therefore, having enough information about the types of toilets and the characteristics of each one can be beneficial in this choice.

The differences that exist in terms of the appearance, type of drainage system, dimensions and installation method of this equipment, have made it possible to choose the appropriate and practical type according to the taste and according to the needs and use it optimally.

Ceramic toilets are usually made of ceramic with white glaze.


For this reason, less variety of colors can be seen in these products, and if the customer wishes, he can choose his favorite color on a customized basis.

The appearance of the toilet depends on the color and quality of the glaze. The whiter and less opaque this glaze is, the more beautiful it is.

On the other hand, depressions and protrusions should not be seen on its surface; Because it affects the quality of work and the appearance of the toilet.

The toilet is one of the modern appliances and equipment that replaces the Iranian toilet and is installed in most homes and bathrooms.

The diversity in the design as well as the size and dimensions of these appliances have caused people to hesitate in their choice.

As a result, it is better to familiarize yourself with the features of each of these products before buying.

Toilets that are in one piece provide better washing and toilets that are installed inside the wall occupy less space.

On the other hand, it is better to order the type of turbo jet drain system that has three shots and performs complete washing while consuming a small amount of water.

Usually, the size and shape of the toilet depends on the space and decoration of the toilet and bathroom.

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